{Understanding Arguments}
Text fragments, Rolodex card organisers
Understanding Arguments is a work in which a Rolodex card organiser has been populated with snippets of text that have been taken from a book of the same name. In the book, the author Robert J Fogelin attempts to explain the nature of logical debate. The book has been read and its significant, eye-catching phrases extracted to create a circular merry-go-round of seemingly random and disconnected snippets: a surreal reflection on the way in which arguments are not always in fact engaged with in a logical and considered manner as intended, but often become sound bites of isolated phrases cut off from their original context.
A second Rolodex work, Thinking About Thinking, based on a book by Antony Flew, is also shown, in which similar conceptual problems might also be thought to apply.
The work is displayed in a way that encourages visitors to spin the organiser and view the texts.
Exhibited at 44AD, Bath as part of Art + Text 2016
Picture credits: Sveta Da (1-4), Donna Dark (5-8)
Text fragments, Rolodex card organisers
Understanding Arguments is a work in which a Rolodex card organiser has been populated with snippets of text that have been taken from a book of the same name. In the book, the author Robert J Fogelin attempts to explain the nature of logical debate. The book has been read and its significant, eye-catching phrases extracted to create a circular merry-go-round of seemingly random and disconnected snippets: a surreal reflection on the way in which arguments are not always in fact engaged with in a logical and considered manner as intended, but often become sound bites of isolated phrases cut off from their original context.
A second Rolodex work, Thinking About Thinking, based on a book by Antony Flew, is also shown, in which similar conceptual problems might also be thought to apply.
The work is displayed in a way that encourages visitors to spin the organiser and view the texts.
Exhibited at 44AD, Bath as part of Art + Text 2016
Picture credits: Sveta Da (1-4), Donna Dark (5-8)