{How To Know The Starry Heavens}
Billboard poster
How To Know the Starry Heavens is an attempt to distill the magical sense of wonder that is contained in Edward Irving's book of the same name. As such it is both unshamedly a homage to the quality and clarity of Irving's writing, and an attempt to revive his work for a new generation. With particular thanks to Kevin Whale.
Exhibited at Cleveland Ironstone Museum, Skinningrove as part of The Laboratory of Dark Matters
Billboard poster
How To Know the Starry Heavens is an attempt to distill the magical sense of wonder that is contained in Edward Irving's book of the same name. As such it is both unshamedly a homage to the quality and clarity of Irving's writing, and an attempt to revive his work for a new generation. With particular thanks to Kevin Whale.
Exhibited at Cleveland Ironstone Museum, Skinningrove as part of The Laboratory of Dark Matters
robert_good_info_about_how_to_know_the_starry_heavens_for_website.pdf |